Spectacular News

As of August 1, 2019, the Fairfields Volunteer Fire Department has lowered our ISO Public Protection Classification (PPC) from a 7/10 to a 6/10. What does this mean? In December of 2018, we underwent a review and analysis of the structural fire suppression delivery system we provide to the community. As a result of this review, ISO lowered our rating to 6/10. OK, so WHAT does this mean? Insurance companies use the PPC to help determine how much you pay for your homeowner’s insurance and a lower PPC should equate to a lower premium! Please make your insurance company aware of this so you can start to realize these savings. If you or your insurance company has any questions, please e-mail to [email protected] and we will provide a copy of the determination letter from ISO. Thank you for your continued support throughout the year which has made this possible!!!